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1611 KJV vs 1769 KJV
part: 6


Beloved of the Lord ;

Remember: "For we are not as many which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." 

(2 Corinthians 2:17)


1. Wording

2. Italics

3. Punctuation & Capitalization

4. Spelling

5. Printing Errors

Part 6: 1611 In Roman Print


Behold!, The 1568

Bishops Bible

1611 COVER PAGE.jpg

Behold!, The 1611 AV/KJV

Screenshot (3).png

Behold!, The 1611 

In Roman font

Part. 1

Part. 2


This is the final segment. Below, you will find three PDF downloads of three chosen Bibles; the 1568  Bishop's Bible, the 1611 AV/KJV, and the 1833 KJV Bible, which is a reprint of the 1611 in Roman type font. The 1833 has the exact words, italics, and punctuation as found in the 1611. This unique Bible is a great stepping stone for anyone who wishes to read the 1611 but is weary of the Black Gothic font. Another site that offers the 1611 in digital form is the May this be a blessing to you.

-God bless. 


...step by step

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