The Lord's Prayer
My Beloved Brother/Sister;
Remember: "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." John 4:24
1. Prayer
Intro: Under Construction
Authorized Version 1611 & King James Bible 1769
Analytical Concordance to the Bible: Robert Young, 1880.
The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
Thayer's Greek Lexicon.
Greek Text:
Beza 1598 & Stephanus 1550 Textus Receptus / with: Root or Inflection.
Root: G1097 "to know" (γινώσκω-ginosko)
Inflection: G1097 "knew" (ἔγνω-egno), G1097 "knowing" (γνοὺς-gnous),
G1097 "I knew" (ἔγνωσαν-egnon), G1097 "known" (ἔγνωσαν-egnosan), etc.
The Lord's Prayer
(from: Matthew 6:9-13)
Matthew 6:9
"After this manner therefore pray-προσεύχεσθε (proseuchesthe)-to pray or wish for, to offer prayers, to pray, (to pray to God, i.e. supplicate, worship:—pray (X earnestly, for), make prayer) ye: Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name."
After this manner: "somewhat like this" That is, in such a concise and short way, without much speaking and vain repetitions; for this prayer is not a strict form, but a pattern of prayer, and a directory to it, both as to brevity, order, and matter. He who best knew what we ought to pray for, and how we ought to pray; what matter of desire, what manner of address would most please himself, would best become us, has here dictated to us a most perfect and universal form of prayer, comprehending all our real wants, expressing all our lawful desires; a complete directory, and full exercise of our devotions.
pray-προσεύχεσθε (proseuchesthe)-to pray or wish for, to offer prayers, to pray, (to pray to God, i.e. supplicate, worship:—pray (X earnestly, for), make prayer)
*** example of Greek word: προσεύχεσθε (proseuchesthe) click: Luke 6:28
Our-ἡμῶν (hemon)-of us, our) Father-Πάτερ (Pather)-father (literally or figuratively)-application: as a title for God): This may be looked upon as the preface and introduction to the prayer, and regards the object of it, and his character, which is an epithet of God. The words “Our Father” are not a form excluding the use of the more personal “My Father” in solitary prayer, but they are a perpetual witness that even then we should remember that our right to use that name is no peculiar privilege of ours, but is shared by every member of the great family of God. Almighty God has a peculiar right to the title of Father, as from every creature, so particularly from mankind, being the father of their spirits, Hebrews 12:9, the maker of their bodies, and the continual preserver of both: and he is in a yet higher sense the father of his believing and obedient people, whom he adopts into his family, regenerates by his grace, and restores to his image: so that, partaking of his nature, they become his genuine children, and can with holy boldness call him their father.
*** example of Greek word: Πάτερ (Pather) click: Luke 10:21
heaven-οὐρανοῖς (ouranois)-heaven, sky, air, (by implication: the dwelling-place of God): heaven of heavens is the place where he most eminently displays his glory: and this may teach us to look upwards in prayer, and seek those things which are above; and also, that this earth, on which we dwell, is not our native country, but heaven is, where our Father dwells. In calling Him "Father" we express a relationship we have all known and felt surrounding us even from our infancy; but in calling Him our Father "who art in heaven," we contrast Him with the fathers we all have here below, and so raise our souls to that "heaven" where He dwells, and that Majesty and Glory which are there as in their proper home.
*** example of Greek word: οὐρανοῖς (ouranois) click: Matthew 5:45
Hallowed be-ἁγιασθήτω (agiastheto)-to set apart, hallow, sanctify, (i.e. to render or acknowledge to be venerable, to hallow) thy-σου (sou)-of thee, thy, thine) name-ὄνομά (onoma)-name, (univ. of proper names): or sanctified be thy name; that is, "Be held in reverence"; regarded and treated as holy. The prayer is that God's manifestation of himself may be acknowledged and revered as the one supreme standard of truth and the one means of knowing God and approaching him. The prayer is that God's manifestation of himself may be acknowledged and revered as the one supreme standard of truth and the one means of knowing God and approaching him. "Let thy name be celebrated, venerated, and esteemed as holy everywhere, and receive from all people proper honor." It is thus the expression of a wish or desire, on the part of the worshipper, that the name of God, or that God himself, should be held everywhere in proper veneration.
*** example of Greek word: ἁγιασθήτω (agiastheto) click: Luke 11:2
*** example of Greek word: ὄνομά (onoma) click: Acts 4:12
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16"Rejoice-χαίρετε (chairete)-to rejoice, be glad, joy) evermore-πάντοτε (pantote)-alway, at all time, (every when, i.e. at all times:—alway(-s), ever(-more): 17 Pray-προσεύχεσθε (proseuchesthe)-to pray, wish, to offer prayers) without ceasing-ἀδιαλείπτως (adialeiptos)-without intermission, incessantly): 18 In every thing give thanks-εὐχαριστεῖτε (eucharisteite)-to be thankful, (to be grateful, i.e. (actively) to express gratitude (towards): for this is the will-θέλημα (thelema)-will, wish, pleasure) of God in Christ Jesus concerning-εἰς (eis)-into, towards, for, (i.e. with respect to, in reference to; as regards) you."
** example of Greek word: χαίρετε (chairete)-Rejoice click: Philippians 4:4
* example of Greek word: πάντοτε (pantote)-evermore click: 2 Corinthians 4:10 (always)
* example of Greek word: προσεύχεσθε (proseuchesthe)-Pray click: 2 Thessalonians 3:1
* example of Greek word: ἀδιαλείπτως (adialeiptos)-without ceasing click: Romans 1:9
Matthew 6:10
"Thy kingdom come-ἐλθέτω (eltheto)-to come, (i.e. to be established). Thy will be done-γενηθήτω (genetheto)-to become, (of commands, decisions, purposes, requests, etc. to be done), in earth, as it is in heaven."
Thy kingdom-βασιλεία (basileia)-kingdom, (i.e. royal power, kingship, dominion, rule): The kingdom of God is that moral and spiritual kingdom which the God of grace is setting up in this fallen world. When Messiah Himself appeared, it was, as a visible kingdom, "at hand." His death laid the deep foundations of it; the final and perfect establishment of God's realm, in which all men will do him willing service, and all habits and customs, individual and social, will be such as he approves of. The kingdom of God under the Messiah, to be set up, enlarged, and perfected by the preaching of the gospel, and the exercise of Christ’s kingly power, is evidently here intended. The word "kingdom" here means "reign." The petition is the expression of a wish that God may "reign" everywhere; that his laws may be obeyed; and especially that the gospel of Christ may be advanced everywhere, until the world shall be filled with his glory.
*** example of Greek word: βασιλεία (basileia) click: Matthew 12:26
will-θέλημά (thelema)-will, wish, (i.e. the abstract act of willing, the subjective) will, choice): The highest prayer that we can make in the furtherance of God's cause is that his gracious purpose, his will (whatever it may include) may be fully brought about. The will of God is, that people should obey his law, and be holy. The word "will," here, has reference to his law, and to what would be "acceptable" to him. To pray, then, that his will may be done, on earth as in heaven, is to pray that his "law," his "revealed will," may be obeyed and loved. His law is perfectly obeyed in heaven, and his true children most ardently desire and pray that it may also be obeyed on the earth. Christ says "thy will"; not the will of wicked men, nor the will of Satan, nor a man's own will, but the will of God: by which is meant either his secret will, which is the rule of all his proceedings both in providence and grace; is unknown to us, till facts make it appear; is always fulfilled in heaven and in earth; and sometimes is fulfilled by those who have no regard to his revealed will; and is what ought to be submitted to patiently, and without murmuring.
*** example of Greek word: θέλημά (thelema) click: 1 Thessalonians 4:3
earth-γῆς (ges)-earth, land, (a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene world (including the occupants in each application):—country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.)/heaven- οὐρανῷ (ourano)-heaven, (i.e. the dwelling-place of God): "as in heaven, so upon earth"; In heaven God's will is already realized; not yet on earth, where sin has entered. These three first petitions are of great cognation one to another; God is then glorified when his kingdom is advanced, and his kingdom is then promoted when there is most free and cheerful obedience yielded to his will: the sum is, Let God be glorified.
*** example of Greek word: γῆς (ges) click: John 17:4
*** example of Greek word: οὐρανῷ (ourano) click: Matthew 5:34
6"Be careful-μεριμνᾶτε (merimnate)-to become distracted, (to be anxious; to be troubled with cares) for nothing-μηδὲν (meden)-not any one, (nothing i.e. not at all, in no respect): but in every thing by prayer-προσευχῇ (proseuche)-a prayer, pouring out, (i.e. pray earnestly) and supplication-δεήσει (deesei)-supplication, prayer, request, (i.e. requests addressed by men to God) with thanksgiving-εὐχαριστίας (eucharistias)-thankfulness, thanksgiving), let your requests-αἰτήματα (aitemata)-petition, request, (e.g. what is or has been asked for) be made known unto God. 7 And the peace-εἰρήνη (eirene)-peace, unity, concord, (by implication: prosperity:—one, peace, quietness, rest) of God which passeth-ὑπερέχουσα (uperechousa)-to hold over, excel, (i.e. to have or hold over one, to surpass) all understanding-νοῦν (noun)-mind, understanding, (i.e. the intellective faculty, the understanding), shall keep-φρουρήσει (phrouresei)-to watch, keep ward, guard, keep watch over (i.e. in close connection with Christ) your hearts-καρδίας (kardias)-the heart, (i.e. (figuratively) the thoughts or feelings (mind) and minds-νοήματα (noemata)-thought, (a perception, i.e. purpose, or (by implication) the intellect, disposition, itself:—device, mind, thought.) through Christ-Χριστῷ (Christo)-"anointed") Jesus-Ἰησοῦ (Iesou)-Saviour)."
*** example of Greek word: μεριμνᾶτε (merimnate)-careful click: Luke 10:41
*** example of Greek word: μηδὲν (meden)-nothing click: James 1:6
* example of Greek word: μεριμνᾶτε (merimnate)-prayer click: Romans 12:12
*** example of Greek word: μηδὲν (meden)-peace click: Luke 10:5
* example of Greek word: καρδίας (kardias)-heart click: 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Matthew 6:11
"Give-δὸς (dos)-to give, (by implication: to supply, furnish, necessary things) us this day-σήμερον (semeron)-to day, this (very) day) our daily bread."
daily-ἐπιούσιον (epiousin)-sufficient, appointed, (i.e. necessary for us): "Give us this day the bread which this day's necessities require." It is said to be "daily" bread, and to be asked for "day by day"; which suggests the uncertainty of life; strikes at all anxious and immoderate cares for the morrow; is designed to restrain from covetousness, and to keep up the duty of prayer, and constant dependence on God.
bread-ἄρτον (arton)-necessary or sufficient food): The nourishment of the body; and this is to be said every day of our lives, to the end thereof; a proper supply of food: or the meaning of it is, that God would give us, for the present time, such food as we stand in need of; is suitable to us, to our nature and constitution, state and condition, and is sufficient and convenient for us. Bread, says Heylin, here signifies, “all things needful for our maintenance; the maintenance of the whole man, both body and soul; for each of these have their proper sustenance; to one belongs the natural bread, to the other the spiritual, and both are included in this petition.”
*** example of Greek word: ἄρτον (arton) click: Luke 24:30
1 John 5:14-15
14"And this is the confidence-παρρησία (parresia)-free-spokenness, boldness) that we have in him, that, if we ask-αἰτώμεθα (aitometha)-to ask, crave) any thing according-κατὰ (kata)-according to, agreeably to) to his will-θέλημα (thelema)-will, wish, desire), he heareth-ἀκούει (akouei)-to give ear, hearken, hear, (i.e. to listen to, have regard to) us. 15 “And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions-αἰτήματα (aitemata)-petition, request, (e.g. what is or has been asked for) that we desired-αἰτέω (aiteo)-to ask, request) of him.”
* example of Greek word: παρρησία (parresia) click: 2 Corinthians 7:4 (boldness)
*** example of Greek word: θέλημα (thelema)-will click: Matthew 12:50
*** example of Greek word: ἀκούει (akouei)-he heareth click: John 9:31
*** example of Greek word: αἰτέω (aiteo)-desired click: Matthew 6:8 (ask)
Matthew 6:12
"And forgive-ἄφες (apses)-to send or let off or away, (i.e. to remit, forgive) us our-ἡμῶν (hēmōn)-our, we, us) debts, as we forgive our debtors-ὀφειλέταις (opheiletais)-debtor, one owing anything)."
forgive-ἄφες (apses)-to send or let off or away, (i.e. to remit, forgive)
*** example of Greek word: ἄφες (apses) click: Luke 17:3
debts-ὀφειλήματα (opheilemata)-what is owing, indebtedness, (metaph. offence, sin): A duty unfulfilled is a debt unpaid. Primarily, therefore, the words "our debts" represent sins of omission, and "trespasses" the transgression of a law, sins of commission. Even the sins against our neighbour are, in this sense, debts which we have incurred to God; and as the past cannot be undone, they are debts which we can never pay. The word "debts" is used here figuratively. It does not mean "literally" that we are "debtors to God," but that our sins have a resemblance to debts. Debtors are those who are bound to others for some claim in commercial transactions; for something which we have had, and for which we are bound to pay according to contract. "Literally" there can be no such transaction between God and us. It must be used figuratively. We are guilty, and God only can forgive, in the same way as none but a "creditor" can forgive a debtor. The word "debts" here, therefore, means "sins," or offences against God - offences which none but God can forgive.
forgive-ἀφίεμεν (aphiemen)--to send or let off or away, (i.e. to remit, forgive): In the very act of prayer we are taught to remind ourselves of the conditions of forgiveness. God sees His own image reflected in His forgiving children; but to ask God for what we ourselves refuse to men, is to insult Him. the unkindness of friends, all sorts of offences, are to be forgiven by us; and not only so, but we are to pray to God to forgive them also. Now this is mentioned, not as if our forgiving others is the cause of God's forgiving us, or the model of it, or as setting him an example, or as if his and our forgiving were to be compared together, since these will admit of no comparison; but this is an argument founded upon God's own promise and grace, to forgive such who have compassion on their fellow creatures. Here is a promise, If you forgive, your heavenly Father will also forgive. We must forgive, as we hope to be forgiven. Those who desire to find mercy with God, must show mercy to their brethren. Christ came into the world as the great Peace-maker, not only to reconcile us to God, but one to another.
"But thou when thou prayest-προσεύχῃ (proseuche)-to pray or wish for, to offer prayers, to pray), enter into thy closet-ταμεῖον (tameion)-store or inner chamber, (i.e. a chamber, especially 'an inner chamber'; a secret room), and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy father-πατρί (patri)-father, (i.e. God is called the Father) which is in secret-κρυπτός (kruptos)-hidden, concealed, secret), and thy father which seeth-βλέπων (blepon)-to see, perceive, understand) in secret, shall reward-ἀποδώσει (apodosei)-to give away or back, (i.e. to requite, recompense) thee openly."
*** example of Greek word: ταμεῖον (tameion)-closet click: Luke 12:3
*** example of Greek word: πατρί (patri)-father click: Ephesians 5:20
*** example of Greek word: κρυπτός (kruptos)-secret click: Romans 2:16
* example of Greek word: ἀποδώσει (apodosei)-shall reward click: 2 timothy 4:8 (shall give)
Matthew 6:13
"And lead-εἰσενέγκῃς (eisenegkes)-to bear or carry into, to bring into) us not-μὴ (me)-not) into temptation, but deliver-ῥῦσαι (pusai)-to rescue) us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever- αἰῶνας (aionas)-to the age, eternal, evermore, for ever), Amen."
temptation-πειρασμόν (peirasmon)-trial, proof) : A petition similar to this is offered by David, Psalm 141:4; "Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with the workers of iniquity." God tempts no man. See James 1:13. This phrase, then, must be used in the sense of "permitting." Do not "suffer" us, or "permit" us, to be tempted to sin. In this it is implied that God has such control over the tempter as to save us from his power if we call upon him. The word "temptation," however, means sometimes "trial, affliction," anything that "tests" our virtue. If this be the meaning here, as it may be, then the import of the prayer is, "Do not afflict or try us." It is not wrong to pray that we may be saved from suffering if it be the will of God. Into such trial or temptation, as will be too hard for our weakness to endure. "do not lead me" neither into sin, nor into transgression and iniquity, "nor into temptation", or "into the hands of temptation"; that is, into the power of it, so as to be overcome by it. The words are a cry issuing from a deep sense of our personal weakness against the powers of evil.
evil-πονηροῦ (ponrou)-the evil, (i.e. wicked, evil things, wicked one): "let it be thy good pleasure, 0 Lord our God, and the God of our fathers, "that thou wouldst deliver us" from impudent men, and impudence; from an "evil" man, and from an "evil" accident; from the "evil" imagination, i.e. the corruption of nature; from an "evil" companion; from an "evil" neighbour, from "evil" temptations"; and from Satan the destroyer; and from hard judgment; and from an hard adversary. And most, if not all of these things, may be very well thought to be comprised in the word "evil" here: particularly Satan may be meant, by "evil", or "the evil one". He is elsewhere called, by way of eminence, the "Evil One," Matthew 13:19; 1 John 2:13-14; 1 John 3:12. As the word may be rendered; who is eminently, originally, and immutably evil; his whole work and employment is nothing else but evil: and to be delivered from him, is to be rescued out of his hands, preserved from his snares, and delivered from his temptations. Evil men may also be intended: all men are naturally evil, and unalterably so, without the grace of God; and some are notoriously wicked; from whose company, sinful lusts, and pleasures, to which they are addicted, as well as from their rage and persecution, good men cannot but desire deliverance; as also from the evil of afflictions, and especially from the evil of sin; as that they may be kept from the commission of it; have the guilt of it removed; be preserved from its power and dominion; and, at last, be freed from the very being of it. *** example of Greek word: πονηροῦ (ponrou) click: 2 Thessalonians 3:3
kingdom-βασιλεία (basileia)-kingdom, (by implication: kingship, royal rule, reign, dominion)/ power-δύναμις (dunamis)-ability, power, strength, might)/ glory-δόξα (doxa)-glory, (i.e. honour, praise, worship, majesty): By our praise to him it induces in us the remembrance that it is to God's kingdom that we belong, having him for King and Source of law; that it is by God's power that we live on earth and stand freed from Satan's grasp; that it is for the furtherance of God's glory that all has been done for us, all wrought in us, all these petitions are now made and all our hopes and aims are directed.
Thine is the kingdom - That is, thine is the reign or dominion. Thou hast control over all these things, and canst so order them as to answer these petitions.
Thine is the power - Thou hast power to accomplish what we ask. We are weak, and cannot do it; but thou art Almighty, and all things are possible with thee.
Thine is the glory - That is, thine is the honor or praise. Not for "our honor," but that thy glory, thy goodness, may be displayed in providing for our wants; thy power exerted in defending us; thy praise be celebrated by causing thy kingdom to spread through the earth.
* example of Greek word: βασιλεία (basileia)-kingdom click: 1 Corinthians 4:20
*** example of Greek word: δύναμις (dunamis)-power click: Romans 1:16
*** example of Greek word: δόξα (doxa)-glory click: Philippians 4:20
Amen-ἀμήν (amen)-amen, steadfast, (Hebr. so be it, so it is): This is a word of Hebrew origin, from a verb signifying "to be firm, secure, to be true and faithful." It is a word expressing consent or strong approbation; a word of strong asseveration. It means "verily, certainly, so be it."
*** example of Greek word: ἀμήν (amen) click: Romans 15:33
"But the end-τέλος (telos)-end, (i.e. termination, cessation) of all things is at hand-ἤγγικεν (eggiken)-to be or come near (i.e. has come nigh, is at hand): be ye therefore sober-σωφρονήσατε (sophronesate)-to be sound minded, (i.e. to be in one's right mind) and watch-νήψατε (nepsate)-to be sober, watchful) unto prayer-προσευχάς (proseuchas)-a prayer, pouring out, (i.e. prayer addressed to God)."
*** example of Greek word: τέλος (telos)-end click: 1 Corinthians 15:24
*** example of Greek word: ἤγγικεν (eggiken)-is at hand click: Mark 1:15
** example of Greek word: νήψατε (nepsate)-watch click: 1 Peter 5:8 (sober)

Beloved of the Lord,
"Christ saw it needful to show his disciples what must commonly be the matter and method of their prayer. Not that we are tied up to the use of this only, or of this always; yet, without doubt, it is very good to use it. It has much in a little; and it is used acceptably no further than it is used with understanding, and without being needlessly repeated. The petitions are six; the first three relate more expressly to God and his honour, the last three to our own concerns, both temporal and spiritual."
-Matthew Henry
John 9:31
“Now we know that God heareth-ἀκούει (akouei)-to give ear, hearken, hear) not-οὐκ (ouk)-no, not) sinners-ἁμαρτωλῶν (amartolon)-sinful, sinner, erring one, (i.e. devoted to sin, a sinner): but if any man be a worshipper of God-θεοσεβὴς (theosebes)-one who venerates God), and doeth-ποιῇ (poie)-to do) his will-θέλημα (thelema)-will, wish, desire, (objectively: will, design, purpose, what is willed), him he heareth-ἀκούει (akouei)-to give ear, hearken, hear).”
*** example of Greek word: ἀκούει (akouei)-heareth click: John 8:47
* example of Greek word: ἁμαρτωλῶν (amartolon)-sinners click: Matthew 9:11
*** example of Greek word: θέλημα (thelema)-will click: John 4:34
Matthew 7:7-8
7"Ask-Αἰτεῖτε (aiteite)-to ask, crave, (i.e. ask for, to make a request), and it shall be given-δοθήσεται (dothesetai)-to give) you: seek-ζητεῖτε (zeteite)-to seek, desire, require, question, (i.e. to seek in order to find), and ye shall find-εὑρήσετε (euresete)-to find, (i.e. to find (literally or figuratively):—find, get, obtain, perceive, see): knock-κρούετε (krouete)-properly: to knock (at a door), and it shall be opened-ἀνοιγήσεται (anoigesetai)-to open, (in a proverbial saying: to grant something asked for) unto you: 8 For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."
*** example of Greek word: Αἰτεῖτε (aiteite)-ask click: John 16:24
* example of Greek word: δοθήσεται (dothesetai)-it shall be given click: James 1:5
* example of Greek word: ζητεῖτε (zeteite)-seek click: 1 Corinthians 14:12
* example of Greek word: εὑρήσετε (euresete)-ye shall find click: Matthew 11:29
***Remember, "Thy will be done" (Mat. 6:10)***
1 Tomithy 2:1-2
25 “I exhort-Παρακαλῶ (Parakalo)-to call near, or for, call to ones side (i.e. intreat, pray, bessech) therefore, that, first of all, supplications-δέησις (deēsis)-supplications, (i.e. a petition:—prayer, request, supplication— addressed to God), prayers-προσευχάς (proseuchas)-a prayer, pouring out), intercessions-ἐντεύξεις (enteuxeis)-a meeting between, intercession, (i.e. a coming together, conversation; as a form of prayer intercession), and giving of thanks be made for-ὑπὲρ (huper)-in behalf of, (i.e. for the sake of) all men: 26 For kings-βασιλέων (basileon)-a king), and for all that are in authority-ὑπεροχῇ (uperoche)-a holding over, (figuratively: those who are in authority or in an important position), that we may lead-διάγωμεν (diagomen)-to lead throughout, (i.e. to pass time or life:—lead life, living) a quiet-ἤρεμον (eremon)-quiet, tranquil) and peaceable-ἡσύχιον (hesuchion)-quiet, tranquil) life in all godliness-εὐσεβείᾳ-(eusebeia)-piety, reverence) and honesty-σεμνότητι (semnoteti)-gravity, venerableness, (i.e. probity, purity, dignity, seriousness).”
* example of Greek word: Παρακαλῶ (Parakalo)-I exhort click: Romans 15:30 (I beseech)
* example of Greek word: δέησις (deēsis)-supplications click: 1 Peter 3:12 (prayers)
*** example of Greek word: ὑπὲρ (huper)-for click: Romans 8:31
* example of Greek word: εὐσεβείᾳ-(eusebeia)-godliness click: 1 Timothy 6:6
James 5:16
"Confess-ἐξομολογέω (exomologeō)-to speak out the same things, (i.e. openly confess, acknowledge, admit, avow openly) your faults-παραπτώματα (paraptomata)-a falling aside, mishap, (a side-slip (lapse or deviation), i.e. (unintentional) error or (wilful) transgression:—fall, fault, offence, sin, trespass) one to another, and pray-εὔχεσθε (euchesthe)-to pray to or toward, (i.e. to pray to God (for) one) one for-ὑπὲρ (huper)-in behalf of, (i.e. for the sake of) another, that ye may be healed-ἰαθῆτε (iathete)-to heal, make whole, (either; corporeally or spiritually): the effectual fervent-ἐνεργέω (energeo)-to work in, work-(effectually in), (e.g. effective prayer) prayer of a righteous man-δικαίου (dikaiou)-right, righteous, just, meet) availeth-ἰσχύει (ischuei)-to be strong, (i.e. to be able, can) much-πολὺ (polu)-much, great)."
* example of Greek word: ἐξομολογέω (exomologeō)-confess click: Philippians 2:11
* example of Greek word: παραπτώματα (paraptomata)-faults click: Mark 11:26 (trespasses)
*** example of Greek word: ὑπὲρ (huper)-for click: Ephesians 1:16
*** example of Greek word: ἰαθῆτε (iathete)-healed click: 1 Peter 2:24
* example of Greek word: ἐνεργέω (energeo)-effectual fervent click: 1 Thessalonians 2:13 (effectually worketh)
* example of Greek word: δικαίου (dikaiou)-a righteous man click: Romans 5:7
***Confess your faults one to another: Which must be understood of sins, offences, trespasses, committed against one another; which should be acknowledged, and repentance for them declared, in order to mutual forgiveness and reconciliation. This is made by the saints to one another, by the offending party to him that is offended, for reconciliation.
“Watch-γρηγορεῖτε (gregoreite)-to watch, be awake, vigilant) ye and pray-προσεύχεσθε (proseuchesthe)-to pray or wish for, make prayer, pray for), lest ye enter-εἰσέλθητε (eiselthete)-to come or go into, (by implication: fall) into temptation) into temptation-πειρασμόν (peirasmon)-trial, proof, proving (e.g. an enticement to sin, temptation): The spirit-πνεῦμα (pneuma)-spirit, (possibly: the mind, heart, or else, that which is spiritual) truly is ready-πρόθυμον (prothumon)-ready, prompt, willing), but the flesh-σὰρξ (sarx)-flesh, (properly: the body, or else, the carnal mind) is weak-ἀσθενής (asthenes)-without strength, (in various applications: literal, figurative and moral):—more feeble, impotent, sick, without strength, weak).”
* example of Greek word: γρηγορεῖτε (gregoreite)-Watch click: Matthew 25:13
* example of Greek word: προσεύχεσθε (proseuchesthe)-pray click: Luke 22:40
* example of Greek word: εἰσέλθητε (eiselthete)-ye enter click: Luke 22:46
* example of Greek word: πειρασμόν (peirasmon)-temptation click: James 1:12
* example of Greek word: πρόθυμον (prothumon)-ready click: Romans 1:15
*** example of Greek word: σὰρξ (sarx)-flesh click: John 3:6
*** example of Greek word: ἀσθενής (asthenes)-is weak click: 2 Corinthians 10:10
***"The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.”: Or, Pray, then, that the weakness of the flesh may not overcome the strength of the spirit."
"Heavenly Father, Your warrior prepares for battle. Today I claim victory over the Satan by putting on the whole Armor of God.
I put on the GIRDLE OF TRUTH, that I may stand firm in the truth of your Word, and not be a victim of the enemy's lie.
I put on the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, that it may guard my heart from evil. I will remain pure and Holy, protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.
I put on the SHOES OF PEACE, that I may stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel. Your peace will shine through me and be a light to everyone that I encounter.
I take the SHIELD OF FAITH, that I may be ready for the enemy's fiery darts of doubt and deceit. I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.
I put on the HELMET OF SALVATION, that it may keep my mind focused on you. The enemy will not have a stronghold on my thoughts.
I take the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, the two-edged sword of your Word. It is fast in my hand to expose the tempting words of the enemy.
I take the heavy artillery weapon of PRAYER. I will keep praying without ceasing for the lost world.
By faith, I have put on the whole Armor of God, and am prepared to live this day in spiritual victory. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
-by Anonymous Christian
** please contact me if you believe I need to omit or add information to this page. Also, please read the Word of God and study it.
"16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
...step by step